天下今天進一步在針對「林孟潔:服貿協議的草率令人震驚──剛與馬總統會面的倫敦政經學院教授Christopher Hughes談話側記」一文所刊登的道歉啟事裡,補上Christopher Hughes教授回信全文。
他提到:" I do not recall using the term ‘shocked by it hasty’ (林文中『為其草率感到相當震驚』的字面直譯) when talking about the STA and I do not think I would have used that term, given that I know that the STA was being discussed when I visited Taiwan last summer - so that is not really ‘hasty’. "
以及 "Miss Lin begins the article by implying that I was embarrassed to have a photograph taken of myself shaking hands with President Ma Ying-jeou during my visit to Taiwan in February. This is a misunderstanding that has arisen from the fact that I began my discussion with Miss Lin by asking her if she thought it would be appropriate for an academic to have such a photograph posted on the internet. My own concern about such a photograph is that it could be seen as incompatible with my position as an independent academic whose role is to observe and analyse events and not to be seen to be taking sides in any political dispute. "
這讓我想起,去年初Noam Chomsky被反旺中學生林庭安要求拿「反媒體壟斷/ 拒絕中國黑手/ 捍衛新聞自由/ 我在MIT守護台灣」拍照。事後台灣出身的澳門大學學者劉世鼎去信詢問,Noam Chomsky的回應是:
"Thanks for the interesting comments, which go far beyond anything I know about. I also don’t recall a placard referring to “Chinese manipulation.” What I was shown, and held, didn’t go beyond media monopoly and freedom of press. I hope that interpretations don’t go beyond that."
Noam Chomsky是何等有名的學者,台灣做學術研究的,應該很多都知道他。他那張反中相片應該讓很多人震驚,就算不是在澳門的劉世鼎寫第一封信,也會有別人寫信確認。總之,他後來說了:I've heard about this from many sources by now.
We were all apparently misled. The young woman who asked me to take the photo informed me, and apparently others, that the poster called for free speech and opposed monopolies, nothing more, nothing about China. That's already been clarified to press and TV in Taiwan."
美知名學者 聲援台灣反媒體壟斷(2013-1-7)
Chomsky說他的好朋友Ned Block也在不知情的狀況下拍過類似照片。其實林庭安還拍了Steven Gross的照片。可惜後面這兩位學者在台灣名氣不大,没人寫信去詢問、幫忙澄清反中形象。林庭安的網頁上的社運部分也沒提這兩個人。
事隔這麼久,我們也很難繼續追查下去,但是Chomsky在中天新聞裡講了一段話:"I wouldn't take part in anti-China or pro-China campaign, either. It's not my business. That's where Taiwanese to figure out."他很清楚地表明立場:「我不會加入反中國或親中國的陣營。這跟我無關,這是台灣人民自己應該搞清楚的。」
這就像Christopher Hughes跟林孟潔在課業諮詢時間中所說的:"I’m not from Taiwan, you know…you know more about Taiwan."國際潮流從民族自決走向主權在民,不管是台灣問題、台灣與中國的關係,既然中華民國是個主權獨立的國家,國家事務都應該由中華民國人民自行決定、解決,不要老是找這些外來的和尚。他們也許有意見,但那應該僅讓我們參考,而不是影響我們的決定,畢竟他們也有不同的利益考量。
選舉時對內充滿台灣種族主義,動輒排除異己,同時對外告洋狀、利用國際輿論的力量打擊執政黨影響政局是民進黨常做的事。2011年前美國在台協會主席白樂崎連同一批歐美學者寫的「致馬總統的公開信」,在形同民進黨黨報的豬油時報及Taipei Times發表,也很難辨真偽。可惜當時沒人想到要一一去信詢問,說不定除了前幾個當過官的,其他學者也出現跟Christopher Hughes和Noam Chomsky被詢問後的回應:"I do not recall..."
台灣人實在太喜歡外來的和尚了,好像什麼事都要外人來肯定才覺得行;被外人否定的時候,就從朝野到媒體都慌亂。其實好的學者用詞都很謹慎,態度也很謙虛,對於自己不熟悉的事務不會隨便發表意 見,他們不會希望因為自己一時的輕忽,砸了獨立研究的專業學者身分。如果Noam Chomsky被其他人詢問後,表示知道看板上頭的全部中文意思後,肯定他拍了那張照,還激烈抨擊旺中,我可能會瞠目結舌一陣,因為他不完全清楚這所有的脈絡,然後我會默默地把書架上所有他寫的書捐到圖書館去。碰到那種重砲型的學者,最好要注 意一下他過去的言論和立場。至於没事指指點點、擺明要下指導棋的洋學者通常別有居心,最好直接忽視。