迴響: Doris Lessing和Isabel Allende新作皆問世

只是想告訴你,你慧眼獨具,Doris Lessing獲得了今年的諾貝爾文學獎

Don 發表於 October 12, 2007 06:33 AM

啊,難怪突然一堆人查Doris Lessing,然後連過來。

身為書迷,我好高興 :)

由 Debby 發表於 October 12, 2007 02:00 PM

阿言德的「天鷹與神豹的回憶」系列我有小小失望。但是畢竟那是寫給青少年看。不知道Ines of My Soul如何。

mingwangx 發表於 January 16, 2008 01:21 AM

中國時報2008/06/29「英最憎惡書單 狄更斯、魯西迪入列」:http://news.chinatimes.com/Chinatimes/Philology/Philology-artnews/0,3409,112008062900011+110513+20080629+news,00.html




"Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook deconstructs the life of Anna Wulf, an ex-communist single mother with writer’s block and a fragmented, alienated consciousness, the kind that was de rigueur among 1960s feminists. Apparently, the book’s experimental structure is meant to evoke the symptoms of a nervous breakdown, but, as it fell from my limp hand 20-odd years ago, I can’t be sure. It’s highly autobiographical and, at more than 600 pages – not bad for a blocked writer, eh? – highly unreadable."

由 剪報手 發表於 June 29, 2008 02:26 PM

